Case Study

In this study we examine the impact of integrating a fleet of Enoda PRIME® Exchangers (“Prime Exchangers”) coordinated by Enoda ENSEMBLE™ into the Texas grid through the Business As Usual (“BAU”) case.

  • BAU operation of around 25,000 400kVA Prime Exchangers can allow for reduction of up to 3,855.8 tonnes of CO2 in the Regulation-Up market (“RegUp”) on June 21st, 2023. This fleet of 25,000 devices would have been sufficient on this day to completely saturate the regulation up market.

  • Such a fleet would have reduced carbon emissions of just one of the frequency and ancillary services, RegUp, by 54%, and would also enable Texans to benefit from Enoda’s ability to provide these services at lowest marginal cost.

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How can Europe capitalise on the smart technology on the grid to guarantee decarbonisation?

How can Europe capitalise on the smart technology on the grid to guarantee decarbonisation?

Last month was European Sustainability Week, which focussed on the theme ‘Going Green and Digital for Europe’s Energy Transition’. With the continuation of the conflict in Ukraine threatening the continent’s energy supply, and a commitment to decarbonisation by 2050, Europe is devoting significant attention to ensuring energy security. Despite the immediate nature of this winter’s gas crisis, however, the theme of the week demonstrated that Europe sees an opportunity to accelerate the long-term transition to clean, reliable, affordable energy.

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