Case Study

In this study we examine the impact of integrating a fleet of Enoda PRIME® Exchangers (“Prime Exchangers”) coordinated by Enoda ENSEMBLE™ into the Texas grid through the Business As Usual (“BAU”) case.

  • BAU operation of around 25,000 400kVA Prime Exchangers can allow for reduction of up to 3,855.8 tonnes of CO2 in the Regulation-Up market (“RegUp”) on June 21st, 2023. This fleet of 25,000 devices would have been sufficient on this day to completely saturate the regulation up market.

  • Such a fleet would have reduced carbon emissions of just one of the frequency and ancillary services, RegUp, by 54%, and would also enable Texans to benefit from Enoda’s ability to provide these services at lowest marginal cost.

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The Hidden Costs of Delivered Renewable Energy
renewable energy, LCOE, electricity prices Ryan Williams, PhD., Paul Domjan renewable energy, LCOE, electricity prices Ryan Williams, PhD., Paul Domjan

The Hidden Costs of Delivered Renewable Energy

Renewable energy has become a crucial component of the global energy transition. LCOE has been instrumental in assessing the competitiveness of renewable energy technologies, but it fails to capture the full picture of costs associated with their integration into the grid.

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Russia will dominate energy security until the grid is fit for renewables

Russia will dominate energy security until the grid is fit for renewables

Coal is political and environmentally untenable. Nuclear is politically unpalatable in many places, unaffordable, and following Russia’s attack on the Zaporizhzhia, Europe's largest nuclear plant, an unacceptable security risk. The inflexibility of nuclear power station output also makes nuclear difficult to integrate with the variable demand of electric vehicles. I worry that many countries will sacrifice their climate goals to achieve security through a system that combines electrification of transport and coal-fired power. We do not have to do this.

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Looking for the next Tesla? Skip EV; start where Nikola Tesla left off: The grid
EVs, Electricity grid stability Paul Domjan EVs, Electricity grid stability Paul Domjan

Looking for the next Tesla? Skip EV; start where Nikola Tesla left off: The grid

The world will need many more companies that manufacture wind turbines, deploy renewables at scale and manufacture EVs. But Vestas, Ørsted and Tesla have shown the way by identifying the problem and proving the technology and the business model. The next Tesla, whether a disruptive new entrant like Tesla itself or an established company that successfully reinvents itself like Ørsted, will need to do the same for the next problem in the energy transition. 

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