Sustainable Prosperity for Every One

The final article in our series exploring ENODA’s mission statement, “Sustainable Prosperity for Every One” explains how bringing together our separate definitions of sustainability and prosperity allows us to arrive at a concrete goal, and why we stylise “every one” as a reminder to celebrate individuality. 

In prior articles we have defined prosperity as both a personal, social, and economic condition that is expressed in its use and enjoyment by individuals, and simultaneously the society wide circumstances under which it is built, maintained, and passed forward through time. In economic terms it is expressed as a high capacity for productivity, and a high standard of living. Individual freedoms, standards of justice, and the rule of law both contribute to and are upheld by, prosperity.  

We have defined sustainability as the active stewardship of prosperity, ensuring that the actions of today do not limit the opportunities of the future. It is crucial to distinguish that sustainability is the preservation of choice, rather than the simple preservation of a static set of resources. Challenges evolve, and our capacity to overcome needs to grow to meet them. 

Taken together, sustainable prosperity fully encompasses the sources of wealth and welfare as both an enduring capability to engage with the most significant problems facing humanity as well as the circumstances under which people have the greatest opportunity to find happiness and wellbeing. 

When we say that ENODA aims to enable “sustainable prosperity for every one” the purposeful styling “every one” as distinct from “everyone” expresses the necessity, and beauty, of valuing individuality. The most tangible expression of prosperity is in its enjoyment by individuals, and at ENODA we choose to remind ourselves who we are working for. We aren’t building a future for an abstract, faceless, group. We are building a future for real people and for realising their dreams.  

A prosperous society is made prosperous by the individuality of its population. Value is subjective and the difference between peoples' valuations are what make exchange a win-win mechanism of value creation. When each agent’s subjective valuation of what they receive exceeds their subjective valuation of what they surrender, and simultaneously, the converse holds for their trading partner, both perceive themselves to be made better off. Or stated differently, when individuals freely choose to exchange resources based on their personal valuations and contexts, they exercise autonomy and agency. This moral autonomy underpins the belief that the outcomes are mutually advantageous, as the dignity of free choice is preserved, and each agent’s welfare is enhanced in their own estimation. Value generated this way is not isolated; the accretion of value to individuals increases their capacity to transact further, forming the building blocks of social prosperity.  

Humans are almost never average; they are unique combinations of a wide variety of attributes. ENODA believes in the potential of every single person, and understands that what we can achieve together is, like people themselves, more than the sum of our parts. Making energy affordable empowers all of us, every one, to grow prosperity. Making energy clean and reliable ensures that growing prosperity today will increase our capacity to solve problems in the future without compromising between the two.  

This is ENODA’s commitment to “Sustainable Prosperity for Every One”: to build robust systems and flexible platforms that enable the optimal use of resources, supporting individual and social prosperity.  

Andrew Scobie

Enoda Ltd Founder, Chief Technology & Product Officer


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