Role of Reliable Energy in Capital Formation
Capital formation, the accumulation of physical assets like
machinery, infrastructure, and technology, is a fundamental driver of
economic growth. It enhances productive capacity, increases output, and
improves living standards. The dependability, reliability, and certainty
of key inputs to production, particularly energy, are crucial factors
influencing capital formation. Uncertainty in these inputs can deter
investment, while reliability can stimulate it.
This analysis explores the implications of input dependability on
capital formation through mathematical models and proofs, referencing
key literature in economics.
The role of
energy in the production function
Firms invest in capital when they expect future returns to outweigh
costs. Dependable inputs like energy reduce production uncertainty,
making expected returns more predictable. Conversely, unreliable inputs
increase risk, potentially deterring investment.
A firm’s production function can be represented as:
is output;
is capital;
is labor; and
is energy input.
Dependability in
ensures that capital
operates at optimal levels, maximizing
. Furthermore, economist Robert Solow
showed that capital and labor accounted for 14% of economic growth in
the industrial age. Robert and Edward Ayres suggest that
the increasing thermodynamic efficiency with which energy and raw
materials are converted into work likely accounts for the remainder. Therefore energy is a very important
component of the production function.
models of investment under uncertainty
Investment under uncertainty can be modeled using real options
theory. . Firms hold the option to invest and
will do so when the expected net present value (NPV) exceeds the option
value of waiting.
The traditional NPV rule states that a firm should invest if:
is the expected profit returned in
is the discount rate; and
is the initial investment cost.
The required return on investment increases with this risk as per the
capital asset pricing model (CAPM):
is the required return;
the risk-free rate;
is the beta
coefficient, which is a measure of systematic risk; and
is the expected market return. This
implies that uncertainty in energy supply increases
, raising the cost of
, and reducing
Under uncertainty in energy input
, the expected profits
also become uncertain, and firms may
require a higher threshold for investment. To account for this, we can
to be a stochastic process
representing energy input uncertainty. Profits depend on
is the output price;
is a cost function
dependent on energy input; and
is the wage rate.
Using real options, the value of waiting to invest
must be considered. The
firm invests when:
follows a geometric Brownian motion
given by:
is percentage drift;
represents percentage
volatility; and
is the Wiener process,
the value of the investment opportunity
satisfies the
differential equation:
Solving this, we find the critical value
at which the firm should
Consider a Cobb-Douglas production function:
The marginal product of capital
Dependable energy input
, encouraging more capital
Impact on capital
accumulation dynamics
We can extend the Solow model to include energy input by starting
is the change in
capital stock;
is the savings rate; and
is the depreciation
rate, then substituting the production function to get
In the steady state,
Solving this for
This implies that dependable
, leading to a
higher steady-state capital stock
Mathematical models demonstrate that input uncertainty raises the
cost of capital, reduces expected profits, and deters investment.
Studies have also shown that energy supply uncertainty negatively
affects investment. For example, Nicholas Bloom found that uncertainty
reduces investment and employment, whereas John Elder
& Apostolos Serletis demonstrated that energy price volatility
decreases capital formation.
A current real world example of this concept is the energy crisis in
Germany. With an ambitious plan to move to renewable energy sources,
Germany decommissioned its coal and nuclear power plants. This decision
was made on the basis that Germany could use cheap Russian natural gas
as a transition fuel because of infrastructure put in place when the
country was divided post World War II. However, a slow bureaucratic
process, COVID-19, and then the sanctions on Russian gas because of the
war in Ukraine has led to Germany lagging behind on its green energy
transition targets and forced into a situation where uncertainty caused
energy prices to rise by 35%, severely impacting their industry and
This shows that dependability, reliability, and certainty of key
production inputs, especially energy, significantly influence capital
formation. Governments can ensure input dependability by invest in
reliable energy infrastructure and diversifying energy sources minimizes
the impact of disruptions. Capital formation can be encouraged with tax
credits and subsidies designed to offset higher costs due to input
uncertainty. Stable regulatory environments can reduce overall
investment risk. Ensuring reliable energy supplies is vital for
sustained economic growth and capital accumulation.
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Andrew Scobie
Enoda Ltd Founder, Chief Technology & Product Officer